A Scoping Review provides an opportunity to submit a conceptual development proposal to the City and receive a single round of detailed written feedback from City staff. This review process assigns a case planner and development engineer to review the customer's questions, and conceptual plans regarding a specific, planned project. This process is an excellent way to identify all applicable City of Greeley Code and Criteria requirements related to your development proposal. The goal is the customer has a clear idea of whether they'd like to proceed with an application, if they need to seek further consultation from a private vendor (planning firm, engineer, or surveyor), or if they're ready to proceed. The case planner will schedule a 1-hour meeting to review the specific requirements and answer questions for customers to develop an application for development review. At the Scoping review meeting, staff will provide details regarding the required application and accompanying application checklist. To obtain an application submittal checklist for a proposed project, routine in nature, contact the Planner On-Call. The response time is typically 2-3 weeks after application submittal. For more information or to get started with a Scoping Review, please contact the City of Greeley Community Development- Planning Division.
Email- Planning@Greeleygov.com
Phone- 970-350-9780