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Neighborhood Resource Office

Greeley has great neighborhoods! We promote healthy neighborhoods through a variety of programs. Read more below.

Healthy Neighborhood Resources

Not sure which city department to call? Refer to the master contact page.

Neighbor Labor Program

The Neighbor Labor Program connects Greeley residents who need help with small indoor and outdoor tasks to volunteers who are ready to lend a hand. Do you need help with snow removal, lawn care, or cleaning? You can apply for assistance if you can’t do the work yourself.

Apply for Help

Once the Neighborhood Resource Office staff reviews your application and confirms that your need meets the program criteria, your project will be posted as a volunteer opportunity on the United Way of Weld County’s website. Volunteers can then sign up to help with your project.

Please note that this program does not cover big jobs like house painting or construction projects.

Volunteer for a Neighbor Labor Project

Residents can find volunteer opportunities under the Neighbor Labor Program initiative.

For more information, contact the Neighborhood Resource Office at or call 970-350-9780.

Neighborhood Conduct Class

Did you get a $1,000 noise ticket for disturbing the peace? Call NRO at 970-350-9659 to register for a Good Neighbor Class, held at the Greeley Police Department, 2875 10th St. Reservations are required.

Clean, Safe and Beautiful

Clean, Safe and Beautiful logoClean, Safe and Beautiful is a team of City representatives assembled to provide a coordinated response to complex issues through the following interdepartmental program.

CSB's core function is to respond to complex issues requiring the attention of more than one City department or division. Neighbors report problems through the City Clerk's Office and team members are called to action, responding within 48 hours to issues like property maintenance, alleged crime, traffic and neighbor disputes.

For more information or to initiate an CSB response call the City Clerk's Office at 970-350-9740.

Contact Us!

Neighborhood Resource Office

Betsy Kellums, Planner III

1100 10th Street
Greeley, CO 80631

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