Adaptive and Inclusive Recreation (AIR)
Our AIR program offers many opportunities for individuals of all ages with disabilities. Participants can choose from Special Olympic sports, unified leagues and other sports opportunities.
AIR offers the opportunity to compete in Special Olympic regional competitions. Special Olympic programs are geared toward individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Team sports compete as a unified team. IDD athletes and their non-IDD partners make up the teams. Games may work with rule changes that support all players, making gameplay fair.
If you are interested in being a partner or a coach, visit our Get Involved page for more information.
Inclusion Support
Inclusion support and accommodations are available for anyone with disabilities participating in City of Greeley Recreation programs. AIR offers a variety of services: staff training, adaptive equipment, additional staff and other accommodation. Request for inclusion support must be submitted at least two weeks before the start of the program. While we will do our best to fulfill every request, an inclusion aide is not always guaranteed.
Submit an Accommodation Request