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Water and Sewer Board

Our Water and Sewer Board has been continuously engaged in strenuous and independent oversight of the department's strategic direction, budget, and operations since its creation. This overseeing is supplemented by the annual examination of our budget by City Council.

With the adoption of the 1958 City Charter, Greeley citizens created a Council-appointed Water Board with the duty to “acquire, develop, convey, lease, and protect water and sewer assets, supplies, and facilities.” The citizens also gave the Board the power to set the minimum water and sewer rates necessary for operation, maintenance, debt service, and depreciation. This separate rate setting authority allows City Council to focus on economic development, knowing there will be a healthy water system to support their efforts. Consequently, we have one of the more robust water systems in Colorado.

Photo of Greeley Water and Sewer Board Members

Our Board has an important role in Greeley leadership, with seven voting members appointed by the City Council, as well as the Mayor, City Manager and Director of Finance as ex-officio members. The Director of Water and Sewer is the primary staff representative to this Board. As such, the Director has the responsibility to provide reports and recommendations to the Board related to their autonomous rate-making and water resource authority, and to adhere to the City Council policies and priorities as directed by the City Manager.

Board Members

CC Water Board

Harold Evans, Chairman
Mick Todd, Vice-Chairman
Matt Anderson
Fred Otis
Joe Murphy
Tony Miller
Cheri Witt-Brown

Agendas and Minutes

Access agendas and minutes for all public meetings, including meetings of boards and commissions and City Council and Work Session meetings, in the City Meeting Portal. Calendars of meetings are also available in the portal, along with meeting videos for boards that record their meetings.

Water and Sewer

1100 10th Street
Greeley, CO 80631

Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

970-350-9811 tel
970-350-9805 fax

Contact Us

City Clerk's Office

1000 10th Street
Greeley, Colorado 80631

Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

970-350-9746 tel
970-350-9828 fax

Use this for general inquiries. Individual boards may have their own contact person