2019 City of Greeley Mosquito Control Program
Long days, abundant spring rains, and warm temperatures herald the beginning of mosquito season and with it the return of Greeley’s annual mosquito control program.
Vector Disease Control International will perform the 2019-season mosquito control work for the City’s annual program.
Adult mosquitoes get trapped and monitored weekly at 12 locations throughout the community. Water in City-owned parks, ponds, and open spaces are treated to eliminate mosquitoes before they hatch — the most effective way to reduce the mosquito population. Crews spray for adult mosquitoes as needed every week until fall when temperatures get close to freezing.
Most adult mosquitoes live for several weeks, but hot and dry conditions shorten their lives significantly. The mosquito species typically carrying West Nile Virus make up a small percentage of the overall mosquito population, but their numbers usually increase in July and August until cooler weather arrives in September.
Mosquitoes become most active from dusk until dawn and travel up to several miles from breeding sites. One way to reduce mosquitoes is to eliminate standing water on or near your property. Keep mosquitoes outside by repairing window screens, soffits, vents, and other means of entry. Protect yourself by wearing treated clothing, long pants, long-sleeved shirts, socks, and shoes when outdoors. Use products with an effective repellent, such as DEET, according to their label.
To report mosquito issues or to learn more about reducing their population, call the City’s mosquito contractor at 303-428-5908. For more information about how to protect against mosquitoes, go to greeleygov.com/mosquitoes.
Release Date:
May 28, 2019
For more information, media representatives should contact:
Ellen Hine, stormwater technician