Greeley Green Gardening Fair Featuring a Rain Barrel and Compost Bin Sale
The Greeley Green Gardening Fair is happening on May 4 from 9 a.m. until noon at the Greeley Xeriscape Garden, 2503 Reservoir Road. A significant part of the fair is a composter and rain barrel sale. Both items must be purchased beforehand for pick up at the event. The Greeley Water Conservation program is providing discounts for the City of Greeley Water customers. Additionally, there will be composting, worm composting and rain barrel demonstrations. The Greeley West Horticulture and FFA programs will also have a plant sale at the event.
The first 35 rain barrels sold will also get special pricing. Keeping residents within the state of Colorado’s guidelines on home systems, there is a two rain-barrel limit per household. “Since 2016, rain barrel use is legal in Colorado. Many of our residents have shown interest in installing a rain barrel, and this program makes it easy,” Quade said.
The City of Greeley is excited to offer composters with special pricing to the first 50 Greeley Water Customers who buy one. “Front Range soils lack organic matter and benefit from the addition of compost. Up to a 30 percent savings on the water can be realized with the addition of compost. Healthy soil makes healthy plants. It is the ultimate recycling,” Ruth Quade, City of Greeley Water Conservation Coordinator said.
Also, there are accessories for sale to assist in backyard composting. These include a kitchen scrap pail to collect waste to go into your compost pile. A thermometer to ensure that the compost is at the ideal temperature is also available. A garden fork can help turn your compost to add air and moisture.
To purchase your compost bin or rain barrel, visit for more information and a link to the online sale. Please call 970-350-9210 for additional information.
Release Date:
Mar 11, 2019
For more information, media representatives should contact:
Ruth Quade, Water Conservation Coordinator