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City of Greeley News

Greeley Wastewater Plant Name Change

Greeley Wastewater Treatment and Reclamation Facility

The Greeley Water and Sewer Department changed the name of its wastewater plant, located at 300 E. 8th St, to the “Greeley Wastewater Treatment and Reclamation Facility.”

This new name better describes the overall goal of reclaiming water from wastes through the treatment processes that allow water reuse for non-potable uses from the Cache la Poudre River.

Originally called the Greeley Sewage Treatment Plant when it opened as the first treatment plant in the Poudre Basin in 1936, in 1984, officials renamed the plant the Water Pollution Control Facility as a reflection of amendments to the law that mandated improved treatment processes. Similar to the name change in 1984, this name change in 2020 reflects the significant investment required to enhance treatment to a higher standard that meets permit compliance and leverages opportunities for re-use.  

The Greeley Wastewater Treatment and Reclamation Facility treats wastewater that meets or exceeds EPA and the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment requirements. More than 7 million gallons of water are treated through the plant and are discharged into the Poudre River daily. The water is safe for fish and aquatic life inhabiting the river and for pets and humans who come in contact with it during recreational activities. The Wastewater Treatment and Reclamation Facility and its staff also treat for regulated organics that enter the facility processing and stabilizing them to biosolids used to improve soil composition and increase crop production for local farmers.

In 2019, the now-titled Greeley Wastewater Treatment and Reclamation Facility received the National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) Peak Performance Platinum 8 Award, recognizing a perfect environmental compliance record for the last eight consecutive years.

Recent upgrades to the plant include the completion of digester improvement projects designed for improved efficiency and the maintenance of critical infrastructure. Greeley‘s treatment facility, like all others in Colorado, are undertaking significant facility modification and upgrade to meet more stringent nutrient regulations by EPA and the State of Colorado that will guide our next phase of construction. Work began in November 2019 and will continue through 2022.

Please call 970-350-9360 for further information and learning opportunities, such as group or classroom presentations.

Release Date:
Jan 5, 2020
Jeremy Woolf, Wastewater Treatment Plant Manager 

Contact Us

Communication and Engagement Office

1000 10th Street
Greeley, Colorado 80631


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