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City of Greeley News

Swanson Kiwanis Playground Replacement


Over the course of the past 6 months, City of Greeley staff members have worked in collaboration with residents of the Billie Martinez neighborhood to collect public input regarding the replacement of the playground equipment at Swanson Kiwanis Park. In the fall of 2018, residents gathered at the park to drink cider and discuss potential improvements.  Over the summer, the design team of STAR Playgrounds worked with neighborhood youth at the Rodarte Center and Billie Martinez elementary school to initiate a collaborative design process.  Youth helped to identify design concepts, individual playground elements, and family games for installation at the park.

Demolition of the existing playground will begin mid to late August with final improvements complete by mid-October.  City of Greeley Park Planner Sarah Boyd encourages residents to stay clear of the construction area. “The park, basketball court, and shelter will remain available for public use.  We are also working to provide a soccer goal on the west end of the park.  Residents can visit nearby Aven’s Village or for other great places to play.”

IMG_2043Improvements will expand the playground and provide much needed amenities for park users. Swanson Kiwanis Park was initially conceived by the late Clarence “Swede” Swanson.  In 1950, the Kiwanis Club partnered with Mr. Swanson for the purchase and development of farmland that would become the “Stars of Tomorrow” playground.  Later that year, in observance of National Kids Day, the City of Greeley accepted the deed to the playground. Additional homes were purchased to expand the park from 14th avenue through to 15th Avenue and in 2007 the park was renamed Swanson Kiwanis Park in honor of Clarence Swanson’s commitment to the youth of Greeley.

To learn more about the project contact City of Greeley Park Planner, Sarah Boyd at or by calling 970-336-4180 for more information.


Release Date:
Aug 12, 2019

Sarah Boyd, Park Planner

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