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Growth and Development Projections

About this Report

The analysis generated in this report is used to create the City’s Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) and as a general resource for the public and City-wide departmental objectives. A CIP is a working blueprint for maintaining and improving the community’s infrastructures on a time schedule. As such, it is central to the City’s departmental coordination of finance capacity and physical development.

The data contained in this report is derived from the actual history of growth and development trends that have occurred in previous years, regional economic and housing projections, and other factors that have the potential to affect expected growth trends. The analysis concluded from the city, state, and national comparisons provide a general picture of population growth, residential construction, and job creation. The report has been prepared into five parts:



Housing Growth examines historical changes to Greeley's housing stock and residential permit trends.



Population Growth examines historical changes to Greeley's population.



Employment Growth examines historical and current conditions of Greeley's employment industries.



Regional Growth explores regional trends that may affect Greeley's future growth.



Growth Scenarios provides population and housing projections for a 5-year horizon until 2025.


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Long Range Planning

1100 10th Street - 2nd Floor
Greeley, CO 80631

(970) 350-9780

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